søndag 29. juni 2014

Nye vans

So yesterday when i was walking through town, i found a pair of tye dye vans! 50% off!!

It's my indi shoes now!

onsdag 25. juni 2014

opp pussing

i am redecorating our guest room, and making it in to a guest room/ make up room. I am super excited to finish it!

our house is really nice, but this room has become a messy room where we put all the things we want but don't have room for anywhere else. I have painted the walls and the desk and cleaned up, so hopefully i'll be done sometime next week, I have alot of things i need to paint...

outfit 24th of june - video

onsdag 18. juni 2014

Strand tur

Believe it or not, we actually have some beaches in Norway
This is from a few days ago, we don't reallt have the best weather now adays...

fredag 13. juni 2014

takk England

I'm finally home in norway now after almost 10 months in blackpool in england. I am so happy that I did an exchangeyear and it was really worth it.  really enjoyed being in England and it also made me see what things i take for granted in Norway(like a dishwasher). I got do many things and meet so many new people. I came there with no friends but left with so many that I really hope I will see again. I might go back to Blackpool in Febuary, but we'll see.

thank you so much, to myself to being brave enough to leave the comfort of little Norway to move to a different country and also believing in myself. Also to all the people I met that made this year great!

if you have any questions about exchange year, just ask!  

lørdag 7. juni 2014


this is just gonna be some random pictures i havn't posted before

 BTW this sweater from H&M is my favorite thing ever!
this is from back when i used to do lookbook.nu in 2012

mandag 2. juni 2014

One direction concert

I went to the one direction concert yesterday in manchester and it was so good!! They were great, nice, 5 seconds of summer was great and the show it aelf was awesome!
I made a get ready with me for the concert but it is going to be up late this week thoug
Hope you had a nice weekend

may favs - video