onsdag 26. mars 2014

6 hours in paris

So now i'm finally back in england after a really long day in paris! It was really good but everyone was so tired after one last night in montpellier. We first went and had the most amazing burger ever, then we went to a church and the view was so nice !
It was truely majestic!
We then rushed around paris trying to get to the eiffel tower and one thing about paris is that the undergrounds are horrible! We chanced tram like 3-4 times each time we went some where.
But we got to the eiffel tower in the end , but we only went up to the second floor:(

The whole trip was pretty great! But i'm so tierd now and i have college in the morning but i'm just waiting for my 3 min video to upload and it says is and hour left an it's on 35%

bon nuite !

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