mandag 28. juli 2014

Pescetarian video

torsdag 24. juli 2014


I got home from a great week in rhodos today. i was there with my best friend and it was really good. We went out many nights and layed by the beach and went to a huge waterpark. I was sick from we landed until now but I could not let that stop the holliday so I just tryed to live with it. I just want to go back, but that's life sadly

mandag 14. juli 2014


I was trying to take some outfit pictures but it was very hard to get the lighting right and not show to much of the houses around where I live

Today I am going to my cousins birthday then I have some bits a bobs i have to do and edit my new video

Have a nice day!

lørdag 12. juli 2014


And a new blogpost from ne where i'm getting all emotinal and shit.
Well you might not but I actually believe in karma. Or I believe that it is the same balance in everyones life, in other words , everyone is equally lucky in their life. And i know, i know, this sounds very stupid and blonde coming from a girl sitting in her cabin in one of the richest and best countries in the world with good education, no poverty and a good health system. But what i mean is that my life seems very good, and over all it is. But i am really bad in school, i clearly have bad skin and I am not atractive and I don't really have any talent. I am not having a pitty party for myself here, i swear, I just want to make a point. And I know what you are thinking, i live well and i get many things that i want, I am not the last person to say that I am spoiled, but there is this one thing in my life, a very private thing i am never going to tell you guys, and that one thing does not happen very offten but it is so awful when it happen that i drop all the way down. This thing often happen when I am really happy, like karma decided that I now have had it well for a long time so something has to happen. Ofc i am not compearing my life to a poor child in syria or in the poor parts of Africa, but just think that if they had the chance to show their intellegence  or talented they would be world stars.
i might have been dicusing against myself here but i just need sometime to write down my thoughts, and by doing it here i can pretend that someone is reading it

Hope you all are having a great summer!

torsdag 3. juli 2014


So I am not the kind of person who gives a single flying fuck of other peoples opinion of me, that is because that is just their opinion, the only thing is if you hear their opinion enough times, it becomes your opinion about yourself aswell. Latly i have been getting some nastly coments on my videos and it made me think of how easy people thinks it is to say what they think over the internet especially. You are sort of anonmyous and since you don't say it to their face it is alot easier to get it out. My mom taught me when i was younger that if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. This is a saying i have had it my head all through my life and i always think about. Sure, i say rude things sometimes, i am a bitch. But i would never say something directly mean to someone because i know how much it can hurt, specially comeing from the right person. I am fully aware of my horrible skin, or that i don't look like a beauty queen, but i can't really do shit about it. So please the next time you think you are giving someone an "advice" on improving the way they look, don't! Very often they are aware of it or it is nothing they can do something about. You might be lucky and blessed that you have white, straight teeth or clear, perfect skin from birth, that does not make you an expert.