torsdag 3. juli 2014


So I am not the kind of person who gives a single flying fuck of other peoples opinion of me, that is because that is just their opinion, the only thing is if you hear their opinion enough times, it becomes your opinion about yourself aswell. Latly i have been getting some nastly coments on my videos and it made me think of how easy people thinks it is to say what they think over the internet especially. You are sort of anonmyous and since you don't say it to their face it is alot easier to get it out. My mom taught me when i was younger that if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. This is a saying i have had it my head all through my life and i always think about. Sure, i say rude things sometimes, i am a bitch. But i would never say something directly mean to someone because i know how much it can hurt, specially comeing from the right person. I am fully aware of my horrible skin, or that i don't look like a beauty queen, but i can't really do shit about it. So please the next time you think you are giving someone an "advice" on improving the way they look, don't! Very often they are aware of it or it is nothing they can do something about. You might be lucky and blessed that you have white, straight teeth or clear, perfect skin from birth, that does not make you an expert.

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