lørdag 13. september 2014


That is not some really strange norwegian words in the heading, but actually a new medication I have started with and it has different names in different countries. You might have heard of it before, because it has been talked about in the media because some of it's side effects. It is an acne medication that I take 3 times a day. It has a long list of side effects, the normal acne medication ones like dry skin and lips, it can cause head ache, the flue and some of the more serious ones are depression, diabetes can get worse and some has even committed suicide.
I have not gotten any of the worst side effects but I did have the flue yesterday and I'm still not feeling very well, I also have gotten really dry skin which I find embarrassing. You might find that a bit strange, but yesterday I went to school even thou I was not feeling very well, but at 12, half way through the day, i had a massive head ache and i was noxious but I was going to try and stay the whole day, until I looked myself in the mirror, and saw that my skin had cracked up around my mouth, and it looked horrible, so I went home.
Being bothered with acne for about 9 years you wouldn't had thought that dry skin would bother me, but acne I can cover up, I can't do anything with dry skin when I am wearing.

It is many many videos on youtube of this product, but here is a video of a guy who explains his journey with it

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