torsdag 11. september 2014

kanskje, bare kanskje

I hope you guys understand why i've been poorly at bloging and making videos. But hell started last week and I have gotten alot of homework, i have dance and I've been to several job interview, everyone can't be as lucky as having youtube as their job. We also have this truly awesome senior tradition in norway that is taking alot of energy.I am going to explain in to you guys when it is closing up to us starting it!
 I know funny videos arn't really my thing but I think I need to make a rant about the type of people at school, I forgot how awesomely weird us norwegians are.
I don't really have any new pictures, so I'm placing an old picture you havn't seen before
It is such a long time since I made this, but I still think parts of it is so cool

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