fredag 26. september 2014

je t'aime France...

... but i hate you at the same time!
As you might know, i failed french and math last year and have to take it up this year but as independent studying. So that will say that I don't have any classes or teachers, i only get the book and an exam in December. It is really hard learning a language on your own. It's not like I failed it last year because i was too good. It is hard to focus on it aswell, because when it comes to things like that, I'm pretty fast at giving up when i don't understand or can figure it out. It's not like I have anyone to ask for help ether. I do have a good starting point thou, I had an excellent french teacher last year that i really liked, but I was the problem in this equation. I easily loose concentration when something isn't super exciting( one of my many flaws). The trip to Montpellier really helped aswell and I wish I could do it again.

Oh how I want to travel again!

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